Explorers 9th – 12th grade

Explorers 9th – 12th grade

Cag high school upper

 Academically, the Georgia Performance Standards are the basis for instruction for the Explorers (9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grade). A college preparatory curriculum consisting of 23 Carnegie Units is available to all students demonstrating the ability to handle the rigorous courses. A Student Learning Profile (SLP) is developed for each student, and teachers conference with parents throughout the year to gain their input and to report on progress in the SLP. 


To graduate, a student must accrue a total of 23 Carnegie Units as follows:                          

4 Credits  English

4 Credits  Mathematics  Courses of Rigor: Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus/Calculus, College Readiness Math

2 Credits  Foreign Language*  Courses of Rigor: Spanish 2, 3

3 Credits  Social Studies  Courses of Rigor: Constitutional Theory

4 Credits  Sciences  Courses of Rigor: Chemistry

1 Credit  Health/Physical Education

5 credits  Electives

*Foreign Language credits must be of the same language


High School Curriculum

  • Mathematics:

      • Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus: This curriculum focuses on teaching procedures while increasing fluency and problem-solving. It is a blended program using both printed text and online resources. The curriculum is data-driven with technology-enhanced assessments given regularly. Students also engage in tactile projects with opportunities to draw with geometric equipment and observing and recording data for analysis.
      • College Prep Math: College Prep Math reviews concepts that are present on the SAT, ACT, and the Compass tests. This class includes a comprehensive review of the most prominent topics in algebra and geometry with elements of data analysis and number theory.
      • Life Skills Math: Life Skills Math includes such concepts as checkbook balancing, comparison shopping, calculating percentages used for tax, tipping, etc. There are also job-related skills such as spreadsheet creation, usage, and analysis offered when a student’s trajectory suggests that potential.
  • Social Sciences

      • World History: Focuses on historical events and cultural influences of world empires and civilizations throughout history.
      • American History: Students will have an in-depth study of the history of our country from its birth to the present day, and will discuss how the United States was influenced by world events and our role in these events.
      • Economics/Civics: This foundational course in economics and civics explores the relationship our government has with our economy.
      • Literature & Vocabulary: This course includes the study of composition, grammar, literature, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and research skills using a variety of texts from various cultures throughout the world. 
          • It incorporates materials outside of the written text to gain student interest while maintaining rigor in the classroom. 
          • Some of the mediums integrated include graphic media, music, internet-based materials, film, and classroom discussion.  This last item is important as it fosters critical thinking and inquiry-based learning. Students are able to take control of their own learning while mastering the Georgia Standards of Excellence and incorporating a fun and rigorous curriculum. 
          • The curriculum caters to our student population in a way that is exciting and differentiated to our student’s needs.
  • Science

      • Biology: An inquiry-based approach to high-level biological concepts using visual analogies to help students to think like scientists. Key concepts are overarching and explore the diversity of life.
      • Environmental Science: This course delves into human effects on the overall environment from animals to weather. There are many opportunities for experiential learning in this course, be it visiting a recycling center or walking out the door to witness the impact of new construction on our ecosystem. 
      • Forensics: This course teaches students the application of science to law and how scientific methodology is used by police agencies in the criminal justice system.
      • Physics: A class designed to stimulate higher-level cognitive skills and to encourage students to see science everywhere.  Students may enroll in this class after successfully completing algebra and geometry.
      • Chemistry: Students will learn matter is all around us. Further exploration of chemistry will teach how matter is put together and how matter can react and change.
  • Foreign Language: Students may elect to enroll in our Spanish I and Spanish II classes. 
      • These classes are an introduction to writing, speaking, and reading basic Spanish.  
      • Students learn more about the Spanish culture while meeting the foreign language requirement to earn a College Prep Diploma. 
  • Cumberland Cares: Students participate in a monthly community outreach program entitled Cumberland Cares. They volunteer at local service organizations that are arranged through the school. We have beautified local parks and nature preserves, organized the pantry at food banks, packed backpacks of food for students with weekend food insecurity, packed nutritious meals, and created special treats for a nearby nursing home.

Creating Futures Program

Creating Futures is a comprehensive college and career readiness program at Cumberland Academy of Georgia, designed specifically for our students and their families. This all-encompassing initiative helps students explore their interests, identify career pathways, and prepare for college through a range of personalized services.

  • College Bound Students

      • Students tour multiple colleges and meet with student service representatives about accommodations.
      • Individual college counseling sessions are held to determine appropriate college applications.
      • ACT testing is held at Cumberland and accommodations are requested specifically for each student.
      • College and Career Fair is an annual event at Cumberland where representatives from multiple colleges are available to meet with each student and their parents. 
      • Dual Enrollment is an opportunity for students to begin their college experience while remaining on the Cumberland campus. 
      • College at Cumberland is a fully accredited 1-2 year bridge college program for young adults. 
  • Career Bound Students

      • Career counseling is available to all students and their parents in order to begin to find a field of interest for the student. The Creating Futures staff assists with internships and volunteer experience for the student.
      • The College and Career Fair is an annual event with representatives from corporations and employment organizations.

Upper School Parent

We still think it is the best option for our child – he is strong academically, but would struggle socially in a typical school setting and even many of the ‘special needs schools’ because they are more focused on learning disabilities rather than social deficits. I like that there are teachers and staff there that have known my child since he started and will likely be there to see him graduate.

Upper School Parent


Empowering Students, Inspiring Futures

Enrollment is Limited!Contact us today and give your child the education they deserve.

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