Cumberland News

Cumberland News2023-06-21T17:22:19+00:00

Unlocking Potential: Educating Neurodivergent Students Through Strengths, Interests, and Passions

Recognizing and celebrating neurodiversity is crucial for creating inclusive and supportive environments for neurodivergent students. Connecting with these students through their strengths, interests, and passions is a transformative approach that fosters engagement, builds relationships, and unlocks their full potential. 

At Cumberland Academy of Georgia, we implement effective support and strategies to connect with our students, celebrating their unique qualities and creating a positive and empowering educational experience. There are many approaches to achieving this such as: 

1. Identify Individual Strengths

Our teachers and staff recognize areas where students excel, whether it’s in academics, creative pursuits, problem-solving, or other talents. By acknowledging and leveraging these strengths, they can build a foundation for positive engagement and success.

2. Explore Personal Interests

Teachers tailor educational experiences to align with the personal interests as we realize our students is a powerful way to establish connections and encourage learning. Whether it’s a fascination with a specific subject, hobby, or area of expertise, incorporating these interests into the curriculum can make learning more enjoyable and meaningful. 

3. Encourage and Support Passions

Passion-driven learning is a key motivator for neurodiverse and neurodivergent students. Providing opportunities for them to explore and delve deeper into their passions fosters a sense of autonomy and mastery. Whether it’s through project-based assignments, extracurricular activities, or special projects, educators can create a supportive environment that allows neurodivergent students to channel their energy into pursuits they find personally meaningful.

4. Incorporate Flexibility and Choice

Recognizing and respecting neurodivergent students’ preferences for learning styles and environments is essential. Offering flexibility and providing choices in how they approach assignments or projects allows them to thrive in settings that suit their individual needs. This approach empowers neurodivergent students to take ownership of their learning journey and encourages a positive attitude towards education.

5. Use Strengths to Address Challenges

Neurodivergent students may face specific challenges, and by focusing on their strengths, educators can develop tailored strategies to address these challenges. For instance, if a student excels in visual learning, incorporating visual aids or graphic organizers can enhance comprehension. By leveraging strengths to address challenges, educators create a supportive and individualized learning experience.

6. Cultivate a Strengths-Based Classroom Culture:

Establishing a strengths-based classroom culture involves creating an environment where neurodiverse and neurodivergent students feel valued for their unique qualities. Celebrating achievements, both big and small and fostering a culture of acceptance and understanding promotes a positive learning atmosphere. This approach helps neurodivergent students build confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging.

7. Provide Mentorship and Guidance:

Mentorships from peer mentors who understand and appreciate neurodiversity can be immensely beneficial. Having someone who recognizes and nurtures their strengths and passions provides neurodivergent students with the support they need to navigate challenges and pursue their goals. Mentorship fosters a sense of connection and guidance, promoting a positive educational experience.

8. Create Inclusive Extracurricular Activities:

Inclusive extracurricular activities provide neurodiverse and neurodivergent students with opportunities to connect with peers who share similar interests. Whether it’s joining a club, participating in a team, or engaging in creative pursuits, these activities help build social skills, foster friendships, and create a sense of community among neurodivergent students.

Connecting with neurodivergent students through their strengths, interests, and passions is not just an effective educational strategy; it’s a philosophy that promotes inclusivity, empowerment, and a celebration of diversity. By recognizing and building upon the unique qualities of each student, our teachers and staff create learning environments that not only address challenges but also amplify the potential for success, growth, and a positive educational journey. 

At Cumberland, we know educating our students’ neurodiversity through strengths-based approaches is not just about education; it’s about unlocking the vast reservoir of talents and capabilities within each child, paving the way for a more inclusive and enriching educational experience.


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July 4th, 2024|Categories: News|

The Vital Role of Team Sports and Exercise for Neurodivergent Children

Neurodivergent students often grapple with challenges related to social interaction, communication, and sensory processing. Engaging in team sports not only promotes physical health but also fosters a supportive environment for the holistic development of neurodivergent children. At Cumberland Academy of Georgia, we have a wide range of team sports available for our middle and high school students such as Soccer, Volleyball, Bowling, Basketball, Golf, Cross Country, and Track and Field.

Physical Benefits 

For neurodivergent children team sports and exercise contribute substantially to their physical and emotional well-being. Regular physical activity aids in improving motor skills and coordination. Cumberland acknowledges and accommodates diverse physical abilities, ensuring that each child can participate at their own pace. Team sports offer a range of movements, from running to throwing, which provides opportunities for neurodivergent children to enhance their gross and fine motor skills in a supportive environment. Additionally, encouraging lifelong physical activity also plays a crucial role in managing stress, anxiety, and other challenges associated with neurodivergence. 

Social Interaction and Communication 

Social interaction and communication can be challenging for neurodivergent students. Cumberland  Academy creates a structured and inclusive sports environment where students can further develop and practice social skills. We play against other local Atlanta area schools with similar populations to ensure all students experience a well-rounded education. Furthermore, team playing fosters friendships and connections that extend beyond the playing field, promoting an environment of acceptance and understanding.

Building Neurodiverse Self-Esteem and Confidence

Participation in team sports has the potential to significantly impact the self-esteem and confidence of neurodivergent children. Success in sports activities, whether mastering a skill or contributing to the team, provides neurodivergent children with a sense of accomplishment. The positive reinforcement gained through sports activities helps build self-confidence, empowering students to face challenges with resilience and a sense of pride in their unique abilities as well as in their teammates.

Structured Routine and Predictability

The neurodiverse community often thrives in environments with structured routines and predictability. Team sports provide a consistent schedule of practices, games, and competitions, offering neurodivergent children a sense of stability. This routine helps them develop time management skills and adaptability, contributing to their overall sense of well-being. 

At Cumberland, participation in team sports and exercise is highly encouraged. By embracing neurodiversity in the context of team sports, we create an environment where each neurodivergent child can thrive, unlocking their potential and enjoying the numerous advantages that extend far beyond the boundaries of school. 

June 6th, 2024|Categories: News|

Collaborative Partnerships: Enhancing Specialized Education for Neurodiverse Students through Parent Involvement

In the realm of special education, collaboration between educators and parents plays a vital pivotal role in providing a highly specialized education for neurodiverse students. Neurodiversity, encompassing a range of neurological differences, including autism, ADHD, social anxiety, and other related challenges, requires a collaborative approach to tailor educational strategies to the individual needs of each student. At Cumberland Academy, we understand the importance of fostering strong partnerships between our staff and parents, acknowledging their crucial roles in the academic, social, and emotional development of our neurodiverse children. 

Understanding Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity embraces the idea that neurological differences are variations of the human brain. The term neurodiverse encompasses individuals with a range of neurological conditions and abilities. Collaborative efforts between Cumberland and parents become essential in recognizing and celebrating this diversity, ensuring that educational approaches are tailored to the unique strengths and challenges of each neurodiverse student. 

Specialized Teachers Customize Education 

Collaboration between Cumberland educators and parents is instrumental in developing individualized education that addresses the unique strengths and challenges of neurodiverse students. Parents, being intimately familiar with their child’s abilities and preferences, bring invaluable insights to the table. By working together, our staff in our small class sizes can tailor educational strategies, accommodations, and interventions to create a learning environment that caters specifically to the needs of neurodiverse students.

Harnessing Parental Expertise

Our Cumberland parents often are experts in understanding their child’s unique learning style, sensory preferences, and areas of interest. Educators can tap into this wealth of knowledge to enhance the learning experience. By collaborating with parents, we gain valuable insights that contribute to the development of targeted interventions, creating an educational program that aligns seamlessly with the neurodiverse student’s strengths and needs. 

Our Staff Encourages Consistency Across Environments

Consistency is paramount in the education of neurodiverse students. Collaborative efforts between educators and parents help establish consistent expectations and routines across home and school environments. This uniformity contributes to a sense of stability for the neurodiverse student, reducing anxiety and promoting a more positive learning experience. 

Cumberland Counselors Provide Extensive Social and Emotional Growth

The social and emotional development of neurodiverse students is a critical aspect of their growth. This approach extends beyond the classroom, creating a support network that nurtures the neurodiverse student’s emotional well-being in various contexts between home and school. Cumberland’s extensive counseling staff brings much specialized added support and attention to our neurodiverse students. 

Support for Families in Future Planning 

Collaboration becomes even more crucial when addressing transitions, such as moving from one grade to another or preparing for post-secondary education. Our transition specialists, teachers, parents, and students collaborate on transition plans ensuring a seamless progression for the neurodiverse student, taking into account their evolving needs and aspirations. This partnership is particularly vital in planning neurodiverse students’ transition into adulthood. Our graduates go on to college, trade school, post-secondary programs, or directly into the workforce and our specialists work with all Cumberland families to make this a smooth process. 

The importance of collaborative partnerships between educators and parents in providing highly specialized education for neurodiverse students cannot be overstated. By harnessing the expertise of both parties, customizing education plans, maintaining open communication, and addressing social and emotional growth, a cohesive and supportive environment is created. This collaborative approach ensures that neurodiverse students receive the personalized attention and specialized education they require to flourish academically, socially, and emotionally.

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May 2nd, 2024|Categories: News|

Beyond Special Education. An Innovation in Education for Neurodiverse Students in Georgia

Cumberland Academy of Georgia Provides a Cutting-Edge Educational Model that allows neurodiverse students to thrive. 

Creating a Supportive Community: At Cumberland Academy of Georgia, we understand the importance of fostering a supportive community not only within our school walls but also extending into the wider community. Through partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and professionals, we create opportunities for our students to engage in real-world experiences, internships, and mentorships. This collaborative approach enriches the educational journey of our students and prepares them for meaningful participation in society.

Embracing Neurodiversity in the Classroom

In our classrooms, we celebrate neurodiversity as a strength rather than a limitation. Our teachers receive specialized training in neurodiversity and employ innovative teaching strategies that cater to diverse learning styles. By embracing the unique ways in which neurodiverse students process information, communicate, and engage with the world, we create an inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.

Promoting Self-Advocacy and Independence

We believe in empowering our students to become self-advocates and independent thinkers. Through individualized goal-setting, life skills training, and opportunities for self-expression, we instill confidence and autonomy in our students, preparing them to navigate the challenges of adulthood with resilience and determination.

Family Engagement and Support

We recognize the crucial role that families play in the success of our students. That’s why we prioritize open communication, collaboration, and partnership with parents and caregivers. From regular progress updates and parent workshops to family counseling and support groups, we ensure that families feel informed, supported, and involved every step of the way.

Nestled at the intersection of possibility and progress, Cumberland stands as a testament to innovation in education. We are not just a special needs school; we are architects of an inspiring, innovative learning environment designed to nurture the unique strengths and talents of our neurodiverse students. 

Innovative Education Redefined

At Cumberland Academy of Georgia, innovation isn’t just a concept; it’s the very essence of our educational philosophy. We’ve crafted an ecosystem that goes beyond traditional approaches, fostering creativity, and enhancing critical thinking, all while laying a foundation for students to further their education that allows them opportunities to live their best independent lives possible. 

We Innovate with our Cutting-Edge Educational Model

  • Tailored Learning Paths: Personalized, student-centric approaches that celebrate individuality.
  • Cutting-Edge Curriculum: A dynamic curriculum designed to inspire and challenge our students in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Technology Integration: Harnessing the power of technology to enhance learning experiences.
  • A Haven for Neurodiversity: Our commitment to neurodiversity isn’t just a commitment—it’s a celebration. We embrace the unique strengths and perspectives that each student brings, creating a vibrant tapestry of talent and diversity.
  • Holistic Support: A comprehensive support that extends beyond academics to nurture the holistic well-being of every student.
  • Future-Ready Graduates: Equipping students with the skills and resilience needed for a rapidly evolving world. Our graduates go on to college, trade school, post-secondary programs, or directly into the workforce. 

Continuous Improvement and Research

Cumberland is committed to continuous improvement and innovation in education. We actively engage in research, professional development, and collaboration with experts in the field of neurodiversity to refine our practices and stay at the forefront of educational excellence. By staying curious, adaptable, and responsive to the evolving needs of our students, we ensure that our educational model remains cutting-edge and effective.

Be a part of the Innovation at Cumberland. We invite you to be a part of our dynamic community, where innovation isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a way of life. Together, let’s sculpt a future where every neurodiverse student thrives and discovers their unique path to success.


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April 4th, 2024|Categories: News|

Our Neurodiverse School’s Pioneering Approach to Community Engagement

CUMBERLAND CARES: A New Initiative from Classroom to Community

Cumberland Academy of Georgia, an innovative school in Sandy Springs, Georgia is the beacon of inclusion and empowerment where education goes beyond the conventional to embrace neurodiverse students. What sets this school apart is not just its commitment to the education of neuro divergent students with diverse abilities, but its unique focus on community engagement.

Founded on the belief that education is a collaborative effort that extends beyond the school walls, Cumberland has pioneered a model that places community engagement as an essential part of its mission. From the students to the staff, everyone at the school is actively involved in fostering connections and building bridges with the broader community through our new Friday “Cumberland Cares” initiative. 

Promoting Special Needs Inclusion Through Engagement

Community partnerships are a vital aspect of the school’s engagement strategy. Cumberland actively collaborates with local businesses, organizations, and volunteers to create inclusive programs that benefit both the students and the community at large. This not only provides students with valuable real-world experiences but also helps break down societal barriers and misconceptions about special needs education.

Since this school year has started, our students have had volunteer and educational engagements with: 

  • Habitat for Humanity
  • The Atlanta Food Bank
  • Chattahoochee National Park Conservancy
  • The Chattahoochee Nature Center
  • Backpack Buddies of Metro Atlanta
  • Blue Heron Nature Preserve
  • Backpack Buddies of Metro Atlanta

To promote awareness and understanding, Cumberland has also implemented outreach programs. Teachers and students participate in workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to educate the community about the diverse abilities of the students and the importance of an inclusive education. By fostering understanding, the school aims to create a more supportive and accepting community for everyone.

One of the most inspiring aspects of Cumberland’s community engagement is its commitment to service learning. Students are actively involved in community service projects that not only contribute positively to the community but also instill a sense of purpose and fulfillment. From environmental initiatives to supporting local charities, these projects empower students to make a difference and become active contributors to society.

As we celebrate our student’s achievements at Cumberland, it becomes evident that their approach to community engagement is not just a strategy—it’s a philosophy. By actively involving the community in the educational journey of their students, Cumberland is breaking down barriers, fostering understanding, and creating a more inclusive society.

In a world where differences are often magnified, we continue to stand as a testament to the power of community engagement in transforming lives. As we look to the future, Cumberland Academy of Georgia continues to inspire and serve as a shining example of how education, when rooted in community, can truly be a force for positive change and growth. Contact us to learn more about all our community service initiatives and partnerships.

March 13th, 2024|Categories: News|

Specialized Education for Students with High-Functioning Autism, ADHD, and Learning Differences

When Debbi and Matthew Scarborough attempted to find a school for their
son in 2007, there were no viable options in the Atlanta area for an excellenteducational program serving students with high-functioning autism, ADHD, and learning differences. So, they started Cumberland Academy of Georgia with one teacher and three students. 

Since then, Cumberland has grown to over 100 students with an exciting and challenging curriculum that recognizes the educational needs of each student. We respect the learning diversity of each student.  This is done through cooperative learning and active hands-on techniques that are integrated into all subject areas along with co-curricular activities.  Our best practices curriculum infuses the creative arts as well as problem-solving, social skills, critical thinking, and decision-making skills. We understand and appreciate the unique perspectives of neurodiverse students in order to provide them with the support and accommodations they need. 

One prominent characteristic of neurodivergent students is sensory sensitivity. These children may have heightened or diminished sensitivity to various sensory stimuli such as light, sound, touch, taste, and smell. What may seem insignificant or unnoticeable to others can be overwhelming and distressing to them. For instance, fluorescent lighting or background noises in a classroom setting might be unbearable for some autistic children, affecting their ability to concentrate or engage in learning activities.  Our faculty, staff, and counselors consider the individual needs of our students as they plan for each lesson.

Moreover, neurodivergent children may experience difficulties in processing and integrating sensory information. They might focus intensely on specific details, perceiving the world in a highly detailed, analytical manner. This attention to detail can be an asset in certain contexts, such as problem-solving or pattern recognition, but it may also make it challenging to perceive the “bigger picture” or understand social cues that rely on subtle nuances.

Additionally, our neurodivergent students may experience challenges in understanding and interpreting social cues and non-verbal communication. Facial expressions, gestures, and body language, which come naturally to many neurotypical individuals, can be confusing or ambiguous to autistic children. This can lead to difficulties in recognizing and responding appropriately to others’ emotions or intentions, affecting their social interactions and relationships. Our faculty knows this each day and takes this into account as another piece of our curriculum to help grow our students’ social awareness.

Our student population often prefers routine and predictability. They thrive in structured environments where they can anticipate what will happen next. Changes, even minor ones, can be unsettling and trigger anxiety or distress. Consequently, their perception of the world revolves around creating a sense of order and predictability, seeking stability and consistency in their surroundings.  

To support our neurodiverse students effectively, it is crucial to create inclusive environments that respect and accommodate their individual differences. This is why we provide breaks for our students. By acknowledging and valuing their unique perspectives, we can promote their well-being, foster their strengths, and help them navigate and thrive in a world that may sometimes feel overwhelming. 

Each day we continue to live out Matthew and Debbi Scarborough’s vision as we shape, develop, and enhance abilities, giving encouraging and appropriate guidance with realistic expectations so that our students grow into happy, confident, cooperative, and productive members of society.

We invite you to be a part of this exceptional community whether you want to take a tour, participate in our fundraising events, become a volunteer, or help us as a financial supporter!  Please contact our admissions department at

October 2nd, 2023|Categories: News|
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